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Foldable L Rack for USA Customer

Views: 131     Author: Lin Chen     Publish Time: 2019-12-10      Origin: Site

This project started with below two pics, this customer wanted to find a replacement of our current wood L-Buck (pictures provided). And they were looking for someone to design a steel replacement rack for packing glass short edge down, long edge up. The rack because of the unusual design, will need to collapse (fold) for return shipment.

image006   image008

Some dimensions of the wood L-buck.

  1. Glass      Short edge down is 38” max or 965mm

  2. Glass      Long edge upright is 66” max or 1651mm.

  3. The      bottom depth to hold quantities of glass is 30” or 762mm.

  4. Glass      holding Weight per rack 4,500 lbs max. or 2,050kg.  

Our technician was working on a few days and came up with below creative design:


So, whatever you have some ideas and needs someone help you to make it real, just contact us, we would love to offer a creative solution for you.

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